
Akrivia Insight

Access an additional 75%* of data through the Akrivia Health™ SaaS platform which contains unique functionality to enable you to truly understand neuropsychiatric and neurodegenerative conditions within the patient population of your choosing. 

  • Demographics, diagnoses, care episodes, appointments, assessments drawn directly from Electronic medical records. 
  • Structured data derived from patients free text clinical notes via Akrivia Health’s AI-driven natural language processing, trained by and for experts in the mental health and dementias space. Includes a data structuring pipeline containing insights on medication, symptoms, additional diagnosis and demographic information. 
  • Cohort Builder – Build and save cohorts based on user specified inclusion and exclusion criteria, including functions for grouping and sets of criteria. Preview cohort sizes at each step  
  • Custom analytics – Build customer charts and tables for specified cohorts 
  • Cohort comparison – Ability to compare multiple cohorts (cross sectionally and over time) 
  • Clinical Trial Support – Speed up recruitment for your clinical study and submit a re-identification request for patients within a specified cohort.

Clinical Trial Optimisation: AH RDN (Research Delivery Network)

  • Feasibility exercises are performed across our RDN
  • We enable sponsors to put the right trial, in the right facility at the right time by consistently monitoring sites in our RDN for readiness (identifying viable participant cohorts(s), PI availability, population diversity, competing studies, delivery capacity)
  • Utilise our strong links to academia and primary care
  • Our Patient Identification & Referral Programme allows us to refer to sites already set-up, outside of the Akrivia Network